Teaching autistic children thematic pretend play skills using video modeling.

27. apr 201217:00-18:30
Janne Mari Akselsen  
Children with autism often have difficulty to attend to relevant aspects of other people’s behavior, and they may not learn by observing other children playing. The present study was design to use video modeling to teach thematic pretend play skills to tree preschool children with autism. A multiple probe design within child across tree play sets was used to demonstrate experimental control. Using a peer model, scripted play situations with eight play actions and eight verbalizations were videotaped. Before training the children were shown the video model two times. The results indicated that one child acquired the sequences of scripted play actions and verbalizations quickly and maintained this performance during follow-up probes. Another child acquired only the scripted play actions and not the verbalizations, and the third child did not acquire ether scripted play actions or verbalizations. Results are discussed whether or not a child needs prerequisite skills to learn successfully with video modeling, and if video modeling needs to be combined with another intervention to increase initiations.