Analysis of Response-Response Relations: Response-class, Chain, and Precurrent Sequences
10. mai 201415:00-16:45
Veslefjellhall 1
Gracie A. Beavers |
Severe problem behavior poses a challenge to assessment due to potential risks during a functional analysis (FA). One proposed solution is the precursor FA, in which contingencies are placed on responses that precede and are assumed to be members of the same response class as the target behavior. However, a response class is only one example of a relation in which one response reliably precedes another: Response-response relations also include chains or precurrent-current relations. The purpose of this study was to show how response-response relations, established differently, may nevertheless yield similar outcomes under contingencies typical of a precursor FA. First, response classes, chains, and precurrent-current relations were established separately using arbitrary responses. Contingencies analogous to those used in an FA of target (problem) and precursor behavior subsequently were implemented with each relation. Results for six subjects showed similarities as well as differences among response patterns under the three trained relations.
Dr. Gracie Beavers er NAFO-seminarets spesielt inviterte gjest. I tillegg til denne forelesningen er hun hovedforeleser på tillegsseminaret.