Mobile Learning and Gamification: The Case of Educating Healthcare Professionals

24. apr 201517:15-18:45
Marit GulliksenLarvik Kommune/Oslo and Akershus University College 
Asle FagerstrømOslo and Akershus University College 
Tor - Morten GrønliWesterdals Oslo School of Arts, Communication and Technology 
In the case the use of gamification has been tested in education of healthcare professionals. An dowloadable app for smart phones and tablets was developed. The app used 20 flip cards with questions and answers about Chapter 9; the legislation for professionals working with mentally and socially handicapped people. Between-group Experimental Design was used with a randomized selection divided into two test groups. The variables were the different conditions in the education design. A statistical analyzis of the results from the pre test and post test was performed. The goal with the case study was to observe the effect of gamification as part of E-learning. The poster is an overview of the results. The level of knowledge in participants that used the flip cards increased significantly compared to the control group with ordinary teaching. Game like activities for a few minutes show good results and micro learning processes are flexible technologies that are easy accessible. Research in operant conditioning may contribute in the development of good E-learning programs. Using elements from game technology and behavoural principles when designing E-learning program may give a more effective learning process.