Symposium: Experimental Studies on Stimulus Control and Emergent Relations

27. apr 201809:00-13:00
Veslefjellhall 1
Erik ArntzenOsloMet - Storbyuniversitetet 
Stimulus equivalence is one of the research fields that have been most prominent in behavioral analysis over a long period of time. Research tradition started with series of studies related to reading training that Murray Sidman and his colleagues conducted in the 70's. Although initially focusing on the application, most studies on stimulus equivalence have been linked to basic research. In recent years, however, studies have also been made in applied settings. The present symposium will cover experiments of research on stimulus control and complex human behavior. The experiments will be in relation to different age groups and also patient groups such as people with dementia. Both experiments in basic research and translational research will be presented. The symposium will start with a brief overview and introduction of stimulus equivalence. Then the presentations will include experiments in areas such as concept formation, attending behavior, and what has traditionally been termed memory.