Using Behavior Analysis and Smart Home Systems in Child Upbringing

Forelesninger (forseminar)
Aleksander VieHøgskolen i Østfold 
  • artificial intelligence
  • conditioned reinforcement
  • home assistant
  • sensors
The use of automation to assist in child upbringing does not seem to be widespread. The current presentation consists of different examples of the use of sensors in smart home systems, in non-intrusive ways, to infer if children have, for example, completed their chores – and use the information to deliver reinforcement automatically. By using technology one can move some of the decision making and delivery of reinforcement from parents to computers. One specific example is that artificial intelligence can be used to determine if a bedroom is clean or not and then internet access can be delivered as a potential reinforcer if the room is considered to be clean. Another example can be to reinforce arriving home before it's dark to avoid dangerous traffic situations. The advantage of smart home delivered reinforcement will be discussed considering factors which affect functional relations.